Part Paramaters

Controls that set part parameters adjust the settings for the part selected in the Part list-box.

Parts A1 to A16 are the parts on the port SC-88 to which your MIDI cable is attached. B1 to B16 are the parts on the other port.

This manual assumes that 88 Edit is sending to port ‘A’ on the SC-88. If data is being sent to the ‘B’ Input, reverse all references to ‘A’ with ‘B’ etc.

Some controls can be sent to all parts and some can not. MIDI data, such as note on messages, and controller data (modulation, reverb, chorus, and delay send) can not be sent to ‘B’ port parts and will always be sent to the ‘A’ port.

This means that any settings made for ‘B’ parts will affect sounds on the ‘B’ port of the SC-88, but not sample notes sent by 88 Edit.

Sample notes will always be played on ‘A’ parts even if a ‘B’ part is selected. MIDI data can be sent to the ‘B’ port by an external MIDI device plugged into the ‘B’ port on the SC-88, or another MIDI application transmitting to the ‘B’ port from a second MIDI interface.

Initially MIDI Channels and SC-88 Parts will have the same numbers, but the SC-88 Parts can be set to respond to different MIDI channels. (See Channel Receive on the Part Settings 1 page.)

Part Settings 1 & 2
Part Settings 3
Part Settings 4
Drum Settings

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